We have all experienced shopping dread or anxiety, and yes, it's a real thing! Perhaps you want to avoid impulse buying or binge eating. Much like life itself, it does not have to be hard with just a little preparation. Imagine walking into the grocery store knowing what you need to pick up, exactly where to find it, and feeling prepared and in control of your trip. In this article, we will look at how to shop efficiently while saving you time, stress, and expense in the process.
Plan Your Trip
Plan your trips to the grocery store to reduce the number of trips-and time-every week. Instead of running out to get just a few things more than once, shop once or twice a week. When you reduce the time and miles, you will be more efficient and organized.
Create an Effective Shopping List
An efficient grocery shopper has a list. Make one that works well for you. Start by planning your meals for the week. This way, you are buying only what you need, which cuts down on the excess in your kitchen (and your food waste). It also cuts down on your grocery spending.
Meal Planning and Budgeting
Part of meal planning well is making great meals, but it's also about spending your money more efficiently. Buy for more than one meal. If you get a roast chicken, for example, you will have leftovers for a chicken salad or a chicken sandwich the next day. Make meals that share some of the same ingredients, and you will buy more for less and waste less food in the process.
Smart Use of Reusable Shopping Bags
Coming out of the store with a mountain of plastic or paper bags always feels like playing Russian roulette with your groceries. Paper bags might just get hit by good old condensation and leave your ice cream on the floor. And plastic bags, well, they are flimsy, and the handles tear into your wrist. Next time, bring reusable shopping bags with you. They are more durable, which makes it easier to carry more items. And you can (usually) fit all of your bags on one shoulder. Plus, the planet will thank you.
Organize Your Bags
Pack your bag in a way that you can easily unpack, too. Bring a bag for cold items with an ice pack, another for produce, and keep the dry goods separated. This will speed up your checkout and make putting everything away at the end a bit easier on your back.
Take Advantage of Store Layout
Take your time to learn about the store layout. When you already know where everything is, you will be more likely to stick to your grocery list and less likely to become distracted or grab unnecessary items.
Most stores are set up the same way: fresh produce (veggies and fruits) first, then perhaps bread, meats, and dairy are next, and last are the aisles where the less healthy or more fun options (depending on your perspective) reside.
Check Store Flyers and Apps
Before you go, double-check the flyers and apps for sales and deals. Most retailers have online coupons and sale items each week, and you can build your meal plan and shopping list around them to save a good amount on your food. Plus, many apps now let you build your list directly from the flyers.
If you need a little less, you can usually use the self-checkout. These lines are typically quicker than the cashier ones. You can also bag everything exactly how you want it. This is another reason for using organized reusable shopping bags. This way, you can quickly put everything in the right spot.
Keep Essentials Stocked
Keep a list of items you are running low on. This helps you know exactly when to buy milk, bread, eggs, snacks, etc., preventing any last-minute trips back to the store for the ingredients you need. It also will help you always be prepared for any unannounced guests.
Utilize Delivery and Pickup Services
Consider using a pickup or delivery service when you buy large items or have several things to get and not a lot of time. They are helpful, save you some time, and delivery helps when you are planning a large event. Many places have free delivery or pickup options if you spend a certain amount. It's simple, efficient, and completely worth the extra few dollars.
Grocery shopping does not have to be a big-time suck. Instead, take the time on the front end when you are making your list and plan and organize it so you can spend less time in-store and more time at home or doing something else. So, plan your trip right and know exactly what to buy today!