Spending more money on our wholesale tote bags will mean more choice. You can buy a quality tote bag for your granny, auntie, and every female co-worker, employee, and friend for under $3 dollars at the Tote Bag Factory and then personalize them to your little heart’s content (step two is purely optional, but we do have a screen print service too).
Our tote bags under $3 gives you a bigger variety of cheap tote bags to choose from, but by ‘cheap’ we mean ‘inexpensive,’ rather than something that falls apart after the second or third use. Also, ‘cheap’ doesn’t mean ‘ugly’ either. Many of our 3-dollar tote bags come in various styles, colors, and sizes.
We believe that there’s a $3 bag or cheaper in our offer for every taste, style, and pocket. What’s more, totebagfactory.com’s wholesale tote bags under $3 make some of the best choices when looking for promotional bags for your event, campaign, or business that won’t break the bank but won’t skimp on quality either.
Different Uses for Our Tote Bags Under $3
You are not limited to use our $1-$3-dollar totes strictly for shopping. The bags can also be used for carrying your stuff as you go to the beach, to the office or to school (we’re looking at you, our hard-working-but-shockingly-underpaid teachers!).
The zippered bags in this price category are good for keeping your items safe and secure but you can also opt for large or small messenger bags to haul around your daily documents, letters and other office essentials.
We also have a reusable Deluxe tote bag for under $3 which exudes class and style with its white body color and multiple options when it comes to the color of its bottom, sides, and straps. You may use it to store your groceries, documents, books, and other heavy stuff in its zippered main compartment and your entertainment or other times you need quick access to in the front pocket.
Other bags have multiple uses as well, which means that your money is well spent when purchasing any of our 3-dollar tote bags.
Our Best-Selling Wholesale Tote Bags Under $3
Here are out top-selling tote bags under $3. Hope you find the ONE for you. Note that the displayed price may be the discounted price at the time of this writing.
As a rule, there's no minimum order amount for our wholesale tote bags under $3, but please double check each bag's description for such requirement as exceptions may apply.
High Quality Promotional Tote Bag ($1.86)
The High Quality Promotional Tote Bag is made of 12 oz heavy canvas and reinforced stress points for real heavy duty use. It is especially designed for heavy loads and made to last for years. It can be easily personalized thanks to the generous imprint area. It is a very versatile bag that can be used for both promotional and personal purposes.
Economical Cotton Tote Bag with Bottom Gusset ($1.59)
The Economical Cotton Tote is made of durable 100% cotton sheeting, has a reinforced bottom gusset, and self-fabric handles. You can give this roomy bag as a gift, personalize it (it is great for heat transfer vinyl crafting), or use it yourself to haul heavy stuff around. And for the quality you can't beat the price.
Heavy Canvas Multipurpose Shopping Tote ($2.63)
Here's another best seller in the wholesale tote bags under $3 category. Hundreds of happy customers swear by the quality of this versatile shopping bag. The full side and bottom gusset allow the Heavy Canvas Multipurpose Shopping Tote to retain shape even when empty.
Small Messenger Canvas Tote Bag ($1.84)
This stylish messenger-style tote bag is sturdy enough for you to haul around your heavy textbooks or office documents and comes with extra long handles so you can easily carry it over the shoulder for an on-the-go lifestyle. The generous imprint area leaves plenty of space for customization.
The Cheap Tote Bag/ Book Bag with Gusset ($2.27)
With its thick body, sturdy web handles, and full side and bottom gusset, the Cheap Tote Bag/ Book Bag with Gusset is built to last. This bag is excellent for carrying heavy loads and for various events, including promotional events, weddings, and church activities.
Organic Cotton Canvas Tote Bag ($2.34)
Our Organic Cotton Canvas Tote Bags are made of chemical-free 6-ounce, 100% certified organic cotton. The 22-inch long self-fabric handles come with reinforced stitching for extra durability. You can use these bags as a shopping totes, book bags, and a promotional bags, especially if you or your recipients are interested in sustainability.
Large Canvas Wholesale Tote Bag with Long Web Handles ($2.84)
This oversized wholesale tote bag with long web handles is made of heavy canvas fabric and it comes with reinforced stress points for extra sturdiness and a square-off bottom gusset for stability. It makes a great eco-friendly grocery bag, beach bag, or everyday bag.
Large Canvas Value Messenger Tote Bag ($2.79)
Here's another quality messenger tote bag for under $3, which you can exclusively buy on totebagfactory.com. The Large Canvas Value Messenger Tote Bag comes with extra long handles, it is made of sturdy 12 oz heavy canvas. It is a great message-style tote for daily office or school activities.
Two-Toned Travel Tote Bag ($2.75)
The Two-Toned Travel Tote Bag is available in 5 stylish colors, it has a hook and loop closure to keep everything in place inside and it is made of durable 600D polyester w/heavy vinyl backing for extra sturdiness. What's more the 25-inch long handles allows you to wear it over one shoulder to keep your hands free.
Deluxe Zipper Tote Bag
Our Deluxe Zipper Tote Bag is made of heavy duty 600 D polyester, it has a handy front pocket for quick access to your valuables and whatnots, and a zippered spacious main compartment. This best selling wholesale tote bag has a white body but there are 5 color options to choose from when it comes to the sides, bottom, and handles. And all this goodness for under $3, exclusively at totebagfactory.com.
Sturdy Shopping Tote Bag with PVC Backing
The Sturdy Shopping Tote with PVC Backing is made of quality and durable 600 denier polyester interior and comes with PVC backing for extra sturdiness and strength. The roomy interior (19 by 12 inch) allows you to store multiple items from groceries and recreational items to office documents and school supplies. This insanely durable tote can double as a beautiful beach bag too.
We hope you've enjoyed Tote Bag Factory's list of the best-selling wholesale tote bags under $3 and we also hope that you've found the right bag for you, your loved ones or your business or event.
Keep in mind that most wholesale tote bags on our list can be personalized with your logo or event details as you please. Just check out our customization methods. We can personalize your bags through print screen, digital print, or embroidery.
For more details, you can contact our customer care professionals via the Live Chat (see bottom right), e-mail (support@totebagfactory.com), or telephone at (888) TOTE-BAG or (888) 868-3224.