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Quick Halloween Cat Trick-or-Treat Tote Bag

Meghan Quinones |


Carry all of your Halloween candy in style with this quick Halloween cat trick-or-treat tote bag!

Fall is such a lovely time of year.  Pumpkins are begin harvested, apples are ripe for the picking, leaves are changing colors, and Halloween is on every kid’s mind.  Kids love choosing what they will be for the big day of dressing up.  It’s one day a year where ghosts, goblins, and anything a kid can imagine roam the streets in search of candy.    Halloween is probably at the top of the list for many kids as their favorite holiday, because when else can they go door-to-door collecting insane amounts of candy.  It’s the absolute best!

Now, in order to go trick-or-treating, you need something to hold all of the candy.  In order to not run out of room, a large tote bag is a must on Halloween night.  This quick Halloween cat trick-or-treat tote bag is quite roomy.  What’s great about it is there is a generous amount of room to house large amounts of candy, but there’s also enough room to store hats and gloves in the event Halloween night looks more like Christmas!  This tote bag can keep hats and gloves close by if ears and hands get cold. This would eliminate the need to stop collecting candy.  Your kiddos can keep on going into the night collecting candy until Halloween is officially over!

Make sure to check out the video tutorial below to see how easy it is to make a quick Halloween cat trick-or-treat tote bag!



Step 1:  To get started, you will need to select the type of face you want for your cat.  This can be done by either free handing a face onto a piece of white cardstock, or you can do a quick image search for a cat face.  Here’s a design I think works well for this project.  If you choose to sketch your own design, you'll need to draw one almond shaped eye about 2.5” wide.  Then, sketch another almond shape in the center of the eye. If you’re printing out a design, be sure to change the size to be sure the face is large enough for the size of bag.  The last thing you want is a face that’s too tiny!



Step 2: Use scissors to cut out the eye template.  You’ll want to cut out the entire eye.  We’ll be cutting out the inside of the eye at a later step.



Step 3: Place the eye on the green foam. If you don’t have green foam, or if you prefer a different material, felt also works great for this project. Trace around the entire eye.  Then move the eye template down and trace another eye.



Step 4: Cut out both eyes.



Step 5: Cut out the center of the eye template.  Place it on top of black foam (or black felt if using that instead).  Trace around the center eye template.  Move the template over to trace other one.



Step 6: Use your scissors to cut out both eyes.



Step 7: Flip the black foam pieces over, add glue to the back, and glue them to the center of each of the eyes.  Be sure to press down to make sure they are nicely adhered.



Step 8: Next, if sketching your cat face, place your eyes on top of a piece of white craft foam (or felt) and sketch a nose and 3 whiskers on each side.  The eyes on top will give you an idea of large to make the nose and whiskers so everything is proportionate.



Step 9: Grab your tote bag and begin gluing your face pieces to the center of the bag.  I started with the eyes, and then added the nose and whiskers.



That’s it!  You’re now left with a sweet and spooky Halloween cat trick-or-treat tote bag to house all of the treats and goodies from the big night of candy collecting!  In order to preserve this tote bag after the big candy haul, you’ll want to manually wash the bag since the craft foam and hot glue cannot be cleaned in a washing machine.  You’ll want to just wipe away any dirt with a cloth and let it air dry.  This will keep the tote bag looking like new for many Halloweens to come!

3 minute read