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Top 11 Gifts: Valentine's Day Ideas for Girlfriend this Year

Priscilla Greene |

February is approaching fast and, if you want to make a memorable gesture, you need to start gathering Valentine’s Day ideas for girlfriend or wife as soon as possible. No matter if you are together for a month or for ten years, you have to consider all angles of V Day presents.

Of course, a cute, sweet, useful, and thoughtful gift will warm the heart of every woman – but she will know if you made an effort or grabbed the first box of chocolates that you saw at the gas station. Therefore, today we are here to offer you Valentine’s Day ideas for girlfriend, make sure you will get her the best present!

Valentine’s Day Ideas for Girlfriend, Wife, Fiancé, and Best Friend

In time, we have offered plenty of guides for men to buy the perfect presents for the dearest women in their lives. As a starting point, you can consult our selection of gift ideas for women who have everything.

However, Valentine’s Day has a certain sweet and mushy side to it – albeit not all women are crazy for waves of pink everything and cheesy love declarations.

Considering all these, your Valentine’s Day ideas for girlfriend should revolve around gifts that match her personality and views on the celebration, speak to her romantic or practical side and suit her tastes and needs.

Some women will sincerely tell you what they want – but there is no fun in that, is it? Why shouldn’t you surprise her, even with a symbolic small gift meant to put a smile on her face?

Therefore, let’s see together a list of Valentine’s Day ideas for girlfriend, wife, fiancé, or your best friend sure to warm their hearts!

1. His and Hers Promise Rings for your Future Bride


As we all know, Valentine’s Day is a perfect day to plan a marriage proposal or at least a “promise” proposal. You have seen it in the movies time and again and, if your girlfriend does have that romantic side, you cannot go wrong with a pair of promise rings.

Pick something elegant that suits both of you – in terms of ring metal, design, and attitude towards making the relationship more official.

For George R. R. Martin fans, the geek-oriented couples, or for book lovers in general, the “Shekh Ma Shieraki Anni / Yer Jalan Atthirari Anni” pair of rings will make her feel like the promised princess.

Dothraki quoted rings are almost everywhere online and make an excellent gift with the final season of Game of Thrones scheduled for April.

2. A Unique Fashion Bag for the Bohemian Girlfriend

You rarely go wrong with bags and purses when it comes to women. This year, surprise your bohemian, nonconformist girlfriend with a fashion jute handbag to style up her office outfits. The large purse features hardwearing durability, a smooth texture, and detailed printing opportunity – in case you want to personalize the bag with a cute logo, her initials, or some other idea you want to discuss with the screen print service.

This purse’s nuance is the main attraction, as the refined and subtle blend of pink and cream works impeccably with your girlfriend’s or BFF’s nude shoes she wears with a passion.

The size of the purse is perfect for any woman in your life who always seems to carry around her entire house in her bag.

If jute (or, more specifically, the jute & cotton mix of this posh bag) makes you wonder, you should know that jute is eco-friendly and extremely resilient to wear and tear. In other words, it will meet the expectations of the eco-friendly girlfriend or wife and she will enjoy it for years to come.

3. Pearl Jewelry for Your Sophisticated Wife

Currently, pearls are even more popular than diamonds, and for all the right reasons: delicate, feminine, and versatile, they match any woman’s style, age, fashion tastes, and attitude towards life.

Pearl jewelry is one of the best Valentine’s Day ideas for girlfriend or wife. Specialists in pearl fashion recommend buying outstanding pearls – and colored to boot – in innovative and cheerful designs for young women.

For classy ladies in their thirties, sophisticated and statement-like pearl jewelry is the way to go. If a marriage proposal occupies your mind and soul for a while, know that you will never go wrong with a pearl engagement ring.

In any case, no matter you decide on a cute heart-shaped pearl pendant with a colorful gem or a pair of evening earrings in refined design, pearls are all the rage right now and you should take the opportunity.

4. A Deluxe Travel and Toiletry Kit for the Travel Buff

For the practical woman in your life who loves to travel by your side, a deluxe travel/toiletry kit in a fun design will help her streamline her packing efforts for your next adventure together. And spare you of the surprise of finding some of her personal care and cosmetic items “mysteriously misplaced” in your luggage.

If travel is your most beloved shared hobby, then take things a bit further, especially if you have a trip planned soon enough. Get a stylish new pair of rolling bags for you and her, or order customized luggage tags with your names on it.

5. The Extreme Chunky Blanket for the “Forever Cold” Girlfriend


Help her snuggle any time she is cold (or just in the mood for some self-pampering) in an oversized, extremely chunky, warm, knitted blanket. Such blankets are trending high this year due to their massive look but great feel.

If your girl seems to be always cold from September to June and has a thing for spending her free time wrapped in layers of warmth and comfort, then this is the blanket for her.

Netflix-and-chill or reading her favorite book, it does not matter. She will never want to get out from under that blanket all winter long, so you will have to join her.

6. The Perfect Hoodie for the Lady always stealing your Sweatshirt


Of course, she has clothes of her own (and quite the collection!), but your clothes always seem to be more comfortable, more suitable to her needs, more… “there” when she needs them.

One of the funniest, most practical, and sweetest Valentine’s Day ideas for girlfriend or wife this year is getting her one of those fluffy, warm, and cozy fleece hoodies or sweatshirts.

If you want to show her, you are on top of your game, pick a shade of pink as close to Pantone’s Living Coral Color of the Year as possible. She will appreciate your sense of fashion and your intentions to help her stay trendy even when it comes to loungewear.

Don’t keep your hopes up, though, as she will probably continue to wear your hoodies and steal your sweatshirts, just to prove she loves you!

7. Perfume for the No-Nonsense Soul Mate


Sure, flowers and candy always make a good Valentine’s Day gift for the woman in your life, but if you have been together for long and she prefers a more down-to-Earth approach to gift giving, then you should go with perfume.

We are confident you already know what she likes and wears, so it should not be hard. Perfume is always a good idea because no woman will ever say she has too many perfume bottles on her shelf.

If you want to make things more interesting, put the perfume inside a small jute gift bag with clear window for a more stylish touch.

8. Chocolate and Flowers… but Different


As we said, the easiest way out of Valentine’s Day is chocolates and roses. However, if you want to make a long lasting impression, get her one of those fruit flower bouquets, where the entire bouquet is edible.

A heart-shaped balloon or a thoughtful Valentine’s card will complete a unique and rather nonconformist V Day gift. Add a bottle of champagne to smooth things out and share an evening of romance and intimacy while you taste the chocolate-covered strawberries and refresh your senses with pineapple petals.

If your lady has a sweet tooth and appreciates more gourmet desserts than the generic flower bouquet, such a gift may be the perfect beginning of a memorable Valentine’s Day celebration in two.

9. Books and a Book Bag for the Bookworm in Your Life

What was that saying, date a woman who reads? Well, if your girlfriend, wife, or fiancé is a reading aficionado, then you know she never has enough books in her life.

Make sure you pick the books in the styles and genres she loves or is curious about – you should never offer some cheesy soft romance novel to a woman wondering why people consider Stephen King as a horror writer, as nothing scares her truly.

So give things a deep thought before you swipe your card at the bookstore. Moreover, in the vein of sweet and mindful Valentine’s Day ideas for a girlfriend who is a reading junkie, consider getting her a personalized book bag with a fun print on it and a cute bookmark, even though she remembers the exact pages of all book she is currently reading.

10. The Colossal Wine Glass for the Girl with a Sense of Humor and of Wine


If you know your girlfriend or your wife likes to have a nice glass of wine after a hard day’s work, the colossal wine glass will appeal to her sense of humor. It will also become her favorite recipient every time you throw a house party – or when her parents come visiting.

Either way, a personalized colossal wine glass is a fun way to make fun of her or make sure she has enough wine (for the Valentine’s Day romantic home dinner you plan) so she does not drink yours.

For a memorable impression, you should also add her favorite brand of wine. A bottle of red vino in an elegant cotton muslin wine bag and some assorted craft chocolates is one of the best Valentine’s Day ideas for girlfriend you can have this year – easy, fun, romantic, and totally sharable.

11. A Romantic Vacation for Two


This year, Valentine’s Day falls in a Thursday, so you should make plans for both of you to take two days off and have a four-day romantic trip or city break in a place you both want to visit.

You can pick any destination that suits your tastes, budget, and mobility needs and you can spend quality time together, just as you deserve. If you plan an adventure or a romantic getaway far from the madding crowd, don’t forget about a new set of rolling duffle bags for each of you.

Go for the fancy toiletry kit we mentioned above, as the second you offer to take her on a Valentine’s Day trip, the last thing on her mind will be her bags.

A word of wisdom, many couples prefer having a city break on Valentine’s Day, with the chance of getting a prolonged weekend, so you should start looking for accommodation and consider reservations starting today.


Valentine’s Day – according to some – became a bit too flashy and a bit too pink. This does not mean you should not celebrate love fully and unconditionally.

Finding the best Valentine’s Day ideas for girlfriend may be tricky. If the relationship is young, you might overdo things. If your partner knows you inside out, she will expect you to meet her needs and exceed her expectations.

Therefore, we hope this list of gift ideas gave you a starting point. If you are more of a man of action than a shopper, you may go the “plan an unforgettable event” route: take her to the opera, the fanciest restaurant in town, a romantic trip, or to her favorite place in the city.

If you enjoy shopping for the woman in your life, then feel free to get your inspiration from our list of ideas and share some of yours as well!

8 minute read