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14 Easter Décor Ideas You Can Make by Yourself

Lidia Bertesteanu |

One of our favorite holidays is just around the corner, so it’s time to bring out the best Easter décor for your home. We’ve got some elegant and simple ideas, as well as creative DIY projects that are guaranteed to turn your house into an Easter décor bonanza. After all, why should only kids have all the fun? Stick with us till the end of this article and pick out your favorite ideas to give your home that special Easter feeling.


1.    DIY Easter décor tree


Why have a tree laying around just for Christmas? Get into the festive spirit with bunny motifs and assorted Easter decorations. Use your imagination to create a fantastic design that will stand out and be the centerpiece of attention.


2.    Forsythia & Easter Egg Wreath

Forsythia & Easter Egg Wreath


Yellow is an attractive color, especially when you have bright nuances like these. All you need is some silk, forsythia, and yellow eggs to make this elegant Easter décor. If you already know how to make a wreath, this should present that much of a challenge. You’ll probably be done with it in less than an hour.


3.    Easter bunny door and basket

Easter bunny door and basket


If you’ve got a big tree in your backyard or garden, you can try your hand at crafting to make it stand out. Make it look as if the Easter bunny’s hideout is near your home. Kids will love it, and adults will admire your creativity. You can paint a burlap tote bag or use a reusable Easter bunny tote bag to store the colorful eggs. 


4.    Backyard Easter tree

backyard easter tree


Sticking to backyard Easter décor, it’s time to also use one of your smaller trees to make the area around your house seem special. Grab some plastic Easter eggs, some strings and, optionally, decorative paper. Then just use your imagination to make the tree look as lively and blooming as spring itself.


5.    Bunny stuck in a flowerpot Easter décor

Bunny stuck in a flowerpot Easter décor


This is one of those simple Easter décor ideas that you can craft in mere minutes as long as you’ve got a plush bunny and a flowerpot that you don’t use anymore. For more versatility, you can use a small burlap bag instead of the flower pot. Stick the bunny inside face down, use chocolate candy in green wrappers to mimic the grass and even add a flower for that spring vibe, and you’re done. You can also use this as an Easter gift as well. 

6.    Easter flower arrangements

Easter flower arrangements


Who said Easter décor has to be difficult and complex? Flower arrangements like this one are super-easy to make and they’re guaranteed to bring a lot of that Easter spirit inside your home. And as long as you get synthetic eggs, you can take out this décor year after year without needing to rework it. As a bonus, it can also double as a good Easter gift. Place it inside a customized eco-friendly tote bag and give it to your special friend. 

7.    Birds nest Easter décor

Birds nest Easter décor


This design might seem a little more complex to make on your own unless you’re a DIY master craftsman. However, you only need a couple of fake eggs, some old frames, paint, a glue gun, and some brown paper decor you can repurpose from a gift basket. Paint the eggs and frames in the same Easter-y color and glue the paper shreds and eggs on the frame. Careful not to use to much glue as it can stain the fragile polyester eggs. With just a couple of hours of work, you’ll surely impress quite a few visitors.

8.    Easter bunny in the jar? Or is he?

easter bunny in a jar


Was the Easter bunny here? Did he leave a message? Are those his eggs? Nobody knows. This slightly cryptic Easter décor is sure to make a few people scratch their heads – in a good way, mind you. Whatever the case might be, this is one of those decorations that can also double as a gift. Personalize your gift bag and send it to your loved ones. They’ll be thinking about it for quite some time. 

9.    DIY Easter décor bunny tag

DIY Easter décor bunny tag


Speaking of personalizing your gift bag, why not go one step further? Add a handmade bunny tag to it to make it seem even more Easter-related. Or you could simply use it around the house: on your flowers, trees, or coat hangers and anything other on which you can hang things. It’s simple to make. All you need is paper, strings, scissors, glue, and cotton buds for the bunny tail. The process is pretty self-explanatory.


10. Gnome guardians of the Easter galaxy

Gnome guardians of the Easter galaxy


These little gnomes make for a great Easter décor to guard Easter treasures. Make your Easter egg hunt more fun by fooling your friends about where you’ve hid the eggs. It’ll look as if you’ve made it obvious, but you can actually pull a sneaky one on them, making the hunt last longer and be more fun overall.

11. Easter egg emojis

Easter egg emojis


If there’s a way to get your teen off their phone this Easter, it’s this. The Easter egg emojis are a great way to bring 21st century trends to an otherwise traditional holiday. You can easily do these with a paintbrush and non-toxic paint. Paint all eggs yellow and let them dry. Once done, add the emojis’ iconic expressions. You can also use this technique later in the year to paint Christmas ornaments.


12. Egg shell ornaments

Egg shell ornaments


If you’re skilled enough to sculpt through an eggshell, you can turn it in a creative Easter décor. If not, you can always look for decorations like the ones above. You’ll most likely find many eco-friendly alternatives, and we encourage you to choose those. Nevertheless, you can’t go wrong with such an option, as it goes well with basically any home.


13. Window Easter décor

Window Easter décor


Show your neighborhood how much you really love Easter. Decorate your windows as much as you can, and you’ll also spread this holiday’s joy to your neighbors instead of keeping it strictly to yourself. It’s a great way to show off your taste and personality as well, among other things. As a bonus, you can pick out eco-friendly Easter décor to teach your kids a lesson about the importance of sustainability.


14. Start a bunny family

bunny family


No, we don’t mean breeding rabbits. Of course, you could also do that. But we’re talking about plush bunnies that you can place around your house to make it look as if the Easter bunny’s entire family came to your house. You can place them along stairways, on your windowsill, anywhere around the children’s room, or wherever you feel like it. And if you ever get bored of them, you can always recycle the cotton found inside them.

Final thoughts

Whether you’re a traditionalist or a modernist, you’ll surely find something that suits you. Easter décor, just like any other holiday décor, requires creativity. We encourage you to let your creative juices flow and decorate your house the way you want to. Even better, bring some of your family and friends and do the work together. You’ll find it much more appealing and enjoyable that way.

5 minute read