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DIY Stitched Vegan Vibes Burlap Tote Bag

Meghan Quinones |

Show the world you support a meatless lifestyle with this trendy DIY stitched vegan vibes burlap tote bag!

Burlap tote bags have been around for quite some time.  They give off the perfect farmhouse vibe, yet are functional.  Especially the burlap bag I used below.  This burlap tote has a vinyl liner on the inside, making even more durable! To add some charm to this bag, I used embroidery floss to create a textured stitched saying–”Vegan Vibes”. 

Check out the video tutorial below to see how you can create your own DIY stitched vegan vibes burlap tote bag!




Step 1: Open up the “vegan vibes” printable.  After you click “print”, be sure to change the scale to 240%. Then, print.


Step 2:  Place the printable inside of the tote bag.  Move it around until the quote is in the center of the bag.  If you are having a hard time getting the printable to stay in place, you can always add a piece of painter’s tape to the top of the paper to adhere it to the inside of the bag.


Step 3: Use a black marker to go over all of the letters on the printable. These should be visible through the burlap.  Then, remove the paper template.



Step 4: Cut a piece of black embroidery floss that measures 18 inches.  Run the end of the thread through the hole in the needle.  If you’re having trouble getting the thread through, lick the tip of your finger and run it over the thread.  This will help keep the smaller threads together and allow you to easily push it through the hole in the needle.  After you get the thread through, pull it until about 4” of floss in hanging down on the other side. 


Step 5:  On the other end of the floss, tie a double knot.


Step 6: Push the needle through the top left side of the “V” in Vegan.  Continue pulling until the you get to the knot.


Step 7:  Push just the tip of the needle down through where you just came up.  Tilt the needle back and push it under the tote bag until it comes out of the bag about a 1/8’ away from where you started.  Then, take the floss coming out of the bag and wrap it under the needle.  Pull the needle.  This stitch is a chain stitch.  This will be used over all of the letters in “Vegan Vibes”.


Step 8:  Again, push just the tip of the needle down through where you just came up.  Tilt the needle back and push it under the tote bag until it comes out of the bag about a 1/8’ away from where you started.  Then, take the floss coming out of the bag and wrap it under the needle and pull.  You will see a chain pattern starting to form.  This type of stitch creates nice texture and a thicker design than just a basic running stitch or back stitch doesn’t have.


Step 9:  Continue with the chain stitch util you get to the end of the word “vegan”.  Then, when you get to the last stitch, push the needle all the through to the inside.  Then, remove the needle and tie a double knot that’s flush with the bag.


Step 10: Cut another piece of embroidery thread, thread through your needle, and tie a knot at the end.  Push the needle through the front of the tote bag where the “v” starts in “vibes” until the knot stops it.  Then, push just the tip of the needle down through where you just came up.  Tilt the needle back and push it under the tote bag until it comes out of the bag about a 1/8” away from where you started.  Then, take the floss coming out of the bag and wrap it under the needle.  Pull the needle.  Again, you will make the chain stitch over the entire word.


Step 11: When you get to the end of the word “vibes”, push the needle all the through to the inside.  Then, remove the needle and tie a double knot that’s flush with the bag.  Use your scissors to cut off any excess floss.


That’s it!  You now have a trendy DIY stitched vegan vibes burlap tote bag! perfect for the farmer’s market, grocery store, carrying around town while running errands, as well as using for work or school!



3 minute read