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What tote bags will be popular in This Year?

Robyn Wike |

It is the middle of the year, and we have already brought summer! Bright colors, novelty, and a romantic atmosphere are glittering everywhere. And this fresh season means the zeal of fashion. The streets, celebrations, and beaches are all inviting us to be a part of this colorful parade. Of course, every one of us will represent a unique style, written in the most creative and authentic way. Noting that the next season is a transitory “back to school/work” period, this is the best time for us to appear with our exceptional tastes. Moreover, our annual trend will continue in the following seasons until 2023. In a word, how we appear in summer will also be an indicator of our 2022 fashion taste. So, let us dress up and build a new portrait of our selves! 

As ToteBagFactory family, we have collected the 2022 trends, popular fashion styles, and colors for you to pick up your favorite. It seems that more than any other accessory, this year will shine with women’s tote bags, which are getting more and more popular for their modifiability. One considerable advantage of these bags is that they allow us to come up with our own design rather than following a certain flow. In this sense, coming in epochal differences in shape, design, color, and function, women’s tote bags will write the story of fashion in new terms. Before going through the products, let us have some tips about fashion colors and new trends of this year.

Fashion Colors of 2022

After purple and coral red, this year’s fashion trend continues with hot colors. Acceptably, beginning with the coronavirus pandemics, the past two years did not necessarily appear with or announce a remarkable style. Therefore, this year has been expectant for a new, fresh start in many trends. As for outdoor fashion, designers and critics go for… Periwinkle! This gentle, calming color has baby blanket undertones and would be the color of the year in 2022 according to Pantone. 

However, the breakthrough color trend of 2022 couldn't be further removed in spirit after the previous two turbulent years. Perhaps we could have used a swaddling palette, choosing a nondominant color. But it turns out that what fashion designers wanted was hot pink since it was bolder, brighter, and more energizing. Softer than red and sharper than orange, hot pink triggers novelty, a sense of regeneration, and youth! It is the color of the young spirits, which are equally willing to spread their energy everywhere. One reason for the popularity of this color is that we all want to begin a new life after long confinement during the previous year. Nevertheless, this tendency is not only about colors but also affects the style of the products. 

The underlying motto is “overcome the past, go for the new.” In this regard, we want to escape the dull and suppressive atmosphere by promoting the brightest, emotion-full, and, more importantly, dynamic! All of these features are reflected in hot pink, which also appeals to our tastes as a summer color.  


Creativity vs. Classics

Now that we know the trend color of 2022, the second major paradigm in fashion is the style. It is true that classics always stand elegant. A suede leather bag with plain but distinct handles will no doubt distinguish you anywhere at any time from an ordinary look. But summer is the season that primarily invites novelty. Therefore, it is the period of the year we usually follow our creativity rather than rely on the classics. 

As for this year, bag manufacturing has become a stage for the users instead of being a counter for the producers. That is, now we are at the forefront in deciding our style by applying the designs we want. This is enabled by the new trend, the canvas tote bags especially offered by ToteBagFactory. 

The affordable canvas tote bags come in numerous sizes and styles that allow you to customize them according to your creativity. Concerning this year’s color trend, we recommend large, catchy illustrations that highlights the hot sensation of pink. Rather than complex patterns or famous portraits -which became a cliche in the past couple of years- you can prefer single, plain shapes or logos. Try not to choose season-specific illustrations because they reduce the life span of your bag. If you are looking for a long-term style, go for the general and abstract. 

An optional new trend is imprinted signatures on the bag. While this appealing design featrues your presense on the product, it creates a classic atmosphere as well while maintaining creativity. More importantly, such a tote bag would entirely be unique to you and represent your individuality. In doing so, it will merge your creativity with the elegance of the classics. 

Haven’t look at the the canvas tote bag catalogue yet? Your unique bag is waiting for you here

Find Your Tote Bag in Women’s Closet

Now we open our women’s closet to create a new style for you! Here are some exceptionally distinct products that feature the characteristics of this year’s fashion trend. 


Bohemian Outfit

As we emphasized the elegant look of the classic designs, a custom tote bag will make a bohemian atmosphere: very personal, noble, yet at the same time, sportive. The bohemian style emphasizes comfort and distinction, which are the characteristics of the modern fashion. It brings diverse cultures and artistic representations together in an eclectic style. Organic elements and nature such as metals, woods, materials from environmental context usually define the “boho.” Heavy canvas tote bags and jute bags are the most convenient types to customize the bohemian style with your original logo or signature. But you can also use the multifunctional purses that celebrate minimalism. If you want to know more about the 6 best bohemian products, you can give a visit to our blog here! 

Big Units, Large Sections

In compatible with bohemian style, 2022 tote bags appear with larger sizes and practical extra sections. Large handles, zippers, and usually a big pocket in the front are common features you shall encounter accordingly. Heavy Canvas Zipper Tote Bag is a perfect example of this fashion. These bags come with a non-printed, plain exterior, which can be customized with your unique touch. Many different color options add to the popularity of the bags. The inside zipper is a pretty surprise for those who prefer a plain look and still have practicality for storage. Plus, the long self-fabric handles can receive heavy duties while the long handles eliminate the need for a separate shoulder strap. 

On the other hand, some may find a front pocket much more practical than keeping it inside of the bag. For this preference, the Medium Size Heavy Canvas Deluxe Tote Bag offers you the most stylish appearance while being functional. The large and tick colored straps are designed to carry heavy loads also, but these bags are relatively small, still suitable for shopping or use as beach bags for women.


Backpack Fashion

If you are still comfortable with your small size bags and want to use it in the next season, especially at school or work, backpacks continue the tradition. But a fahionable backpack should appear modern and functional to reflect the bohemian style with an emphasis on elegance. Retro Backpacks with Multiple Pockets would be a good choice as they feature many characteristics of the modern look. But note that more than underlining elegance, these bags are designed to provide a functional product that also adds to your style. The padded shoulder straps enable a comfortable travel during long trips and carrying loads. 

You may also consider another new trend towards the drawsting bags. These bags usually have a single stripe which you draw to close the top. If you want to create a much sportive appearance, the Cotton Drawsting Bags will be indispensible for you. These bags are extremely light, but they are also sturdy enough to carry heavy loads, books, tablets, or laptops. They are suitable for sport uses as well, accommodating a large volume for your clothes, shoes, towels, or drink. The color range is adorable, and thanks to the low price, you can even make a collection of them! 


Cute Designs, Mini Bags 

With social media taking a pig part in fashion trends, it is best to follow the influencer outfits. And here we are, seeing mini bags everywhere. Even television series with great success such as Euphoria giving a screen recognition to mini bags, they became unstoppable. We mean so small, that would fit only your cards, some cash and a lip gloss. But isn’t this the point though?

We believe our cotton/canvas fabric or our burlap material is a perfect fit for these mini tote bag designs. They provide the cute aesthetic and yet give us a quality bag. Moreover, they are great for promotional purposes. Even though there is a smaller imprint area than a regular bag, you can print your initials, logo, wedding date or any simple artwork for giveaways and gifts. 

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